9 Feb 2014

Spiltting the case - Part 2

With all the bolts removed, I had to tempt the two halves apart. I was conscious that if I used a screwdriver between I would probably damage the mounting faces. So with my plastic mallet, I worked around the case and eventually saw a small gap.

After that, the cases split quite easily.

Well, I knew there was going to be a bit of a mess in here. First impressions were its not as bad as I thought. The transmission has some rust but not too much sludge through the gears, etc. The crank has a good covering, but nothing of note around mating surfaces so I think that will clean up well. The most rusty parts are the conrods, but more on that later.

In the following shots you can see  the amount of sludge in the sump. It has also made its way up higher in the engine, which is not surprising since I found some in the cam sprocket in the head.

There are a couple of o-rings here as well which will also need replacing.

 Next up is removing the crankshaft from the left case.

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