10 Feb 2014

Removing the transmission

Before I push the crankshaft out, I am going to remove all the transmission shaft/gear assemblies - most of them are just sitting in the left case half, and I don't want to try and piece them together if they fall out!

The two main shafts and the shift forks just lift out pretty easily The manual gives you the sequence and most of the parts (such as the forks) are labelled already. 

Removing the gears from the shaft is easy - just got to get the circlip off and they slide off. Worth noting here the gear selector drum is also pretty rusted. As it was the easiest to disassemble it went straight for de-rusting. A great example of how effective this process can be.

One of the things to be aware of is when the item is removed is to give is a really good wash in fresh water and apply some kind of protectant. I am using Lanotec - its a natural product that uses sheep lanolin in a spray can - smells like a shearers shed but works brilliantly.

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