2 Feb 2014

Clutch basket removal

After removing the clutch cover (6 blots and springs) I had to remove the basket. This wasn't too difficult - I used an oil filter wrench to hold it steady while I undid the nut.

After that I used a puller working against two of the clutch cover nuts hand tightened back on. Then it was time to inspect the damage. 

The back of the basket was pretty good; just a little rust on two of the springs and one of the rivets. I've got a plan to deal with that later.

The back of the inner basket looks worse, but most of the "rust" is grotty oil left over from the sump. There is some alloy corosion, but it is literally surface defects only. 

Flip it over and its another story.  Below is one of the clutch plates adn a drive plate. They are badly rusted and pitted. A new set of clutch plates is easy to get hold of but a little worried about the drive plates. These plates stack alternately in the basket.

The very rear of the clutch basket has one final drive plate with two spring/shims behind and these three plates are secured with a really fine wire in a tiny groove at the base of the castlations.

I am pretty confident about getting all the plates replaced, but these rear springs are a problem. Next step is rust removal...

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