With the tappets removed, the valves were the last parts to come out. The valve spring compressor was the right size, but the tappet port is offset, which meant that the compressor started to infringe the cylinder head before the spring was fully compressed. By adding a 23mm socket to the top gave me enough clearance to get the job done.

I labelled all the parts to allow reassembly on the same side as they came out, once I have checked the tolerances. The valve spring lengths seem OK, but their lean angle looks a bit more than the 2mm limit. I cleaned up the valves avoiding the mounting face (I will lap these later to remove the very minor pitting and scratches). The valves sit in the guides well, only very slight wiggle.
I worked my way around the head cleaning up the surfaces. The inlet port I filed level and cleaned out the 6mm thread. I also cleaned out the exhaust flange - it was full of old gasket. The 8mm studs took some work to clean up due to rust.
Next was to see how easy the painted finish was to remove. I bought some heavy duty paint striping gel and had at it. Being a gel it has 24 hour working time, so I worked over it about 5 times.
Pretty happy with the result but quite a bit of wire brush work was required on the cylinder dome (with the valves in place to protect the seats). Putting this one aside for now as I am thinking about soda blast to strip it back - I will do that once I know how much I might need to do over the whole engine.
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