1 Jan 2014

Engine parts

As mentioned previously, my first job is going to be the engine. For the key parts I need, I have been searching far and wide. So far I reckon I've had a pretty good run.

Gasket Set - I have seen two different versions of this one. The Vesrah one is the one I prefer because it has some valve parts on it as well. With this kit I will have all the major gaskets and seals required for the engine strip down. There will be a stack more bearings and seals required and I will hunt those down as I need, mainly based on engine condition as I go.

Found this set in Aus from a deceased estate. Including postage still came in below the cheapest price on Ebay overseas. Pretty happy to find this.

As mentioned previously, the original Hitachi carbs are trash. I think the most straight forward option, and the one that seems to deliver the best improvement once sorted, is the Mikuni VM series carb. I had though about going the single carb conversion, mainly due to cost and the simplicity of not having to synch carbs, but there is less information on set up and tuning available for the XV750 - most of it is around the XS650. I contacted Greg Hageman, who provided me with the jetting he uses on the twin VM34 configuration for XV750 - awesome bloke! So back to Ebay...

And found these two. Paired VM34, un-used, bought for an XS650 project and no longer needed. The seller wanted top dollar (same price I would pay through a dealer), but we haggled down to about 2/3 of that. He wasn't really knowledgeable about them, so I expect them to have standard jetting - which will be way too rich. I also picked up from the photo a slight difference between them. I think one is left hand idle adjust and the other is right - though I can only see one idle adjust screw. I think this config is preferred on XS650 where the intakes both face the same way. This would allow you to access the adjusting screw easily. On the XV engine, the intakes face each other so this would be not that helpful. Apparently conversion is "easy" but I will reserve judgement until they arrive!


  1. Hi Duncan I have xv 750 would like to to put vm 34 carbies on what are the jetting sizes should I put in them it would be grate if you could help me my email is terry@jamisonplumbing.com.au

  2. Id love to know the jetting as well, are you able to share here?

  3. Hey all, im also building an xv750 up. Can I please have the jetting info also.



  4. Sorry to do this but I would also love to have the jetting info. randy_mercer@hotmail.com Any help is greatly appreciated!



  5. hi any chance you could share the jetting info for the vm34s can't seem to find any info anywhere!! thanks very much

  6. Are theese not going the wrong way? Guess you stopped writing after you figured that out.

  7. Not sure what you mean by wrong way. Guessing your talking about the carbs?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi Mate, is there any chance of sharing the jetting information you recieved of Greg? I am curently building a very similar bike and would love to know what jets he used in the Mikuni carbs?


  10. https://docschops.smugmug.com/Motorcycles/Installing-VM-carbs-on-the/
    There are comments attached to the photos. Jetting comments here:
    xv920 jetting, 22.5 pilot 195 main P-6 needle jet, 6DH3 needle add light pull springs
    xv750 jetting 20 pilot 145 main P-6 needle jet 6DH3 needle, light pull springs.
    These will hook right up to the intake snorkels, this jetting works great for me, may vary on your bike, I'm also at sea level, so that makes a difference as well,
